TEI2German Translatathon

0 Veröffentlicht von ZIM-IG am

Im Rahmen der diesjährigen Text Encoding Initiative Konferenz in Wien veranstaltet das TEI Technical Council am 27. September einen „TEI2German Translatathon“.
Im Rahmen dieses Workshops (http://tei2016.acdh.oeaw.ac.at/translatathon) sollen die Spezifikationen der TEI P5 Guidelines aus dem Englischen ins Deutsche übersetzt werden (siehe englischen Abstract unten).

Wir würden uns sehr über Ihre Teilnahme und Unterstützung bei diesem Vorhaben freuen!

Weitere Informationen zur Registrierung finden sich auf der TEI2016 Konferenzseite (http://tei2016.acdh.oeaw.ac.at).

TEI2German Translatathon
The workshop will be announced as an open call for the German speaking community to improve the TEI by providing concise and fitting translations of the descriptive texts of the TEI P5 guidelines’ specs. The goal of the workshop is to translate <desc> and <gloss> elements and feed these back into the TEI specifications. The setting will be hands-on and interactive. This event will be specifically targeted at the German speaking community which will most likely be a substantial part of the audience at Vienna, with iterations for other languages envisioned at subsequent TEI events. We aim to add and improve translations in areas that are identified as the first session of the translatathon, so that it might become possible to have coherent translations for an identified set of tags. This will be supported by supplemental material that groups the existing tags by module and/or area of interest, to make the progress visible. The outreach will be via the general relevant community lists, personal contacts and cooperation with local institutions.

Date: 27th September 2016, 9:00 – 17:00
Duration: full day
Location: Austrian Academy of Sciences, Dr. Ignaz Seipel-Platz 2, 1010 Vienna

Requirements: Projector, flip-chart; Participants are asked to bring their own laptops

Workshop leaders: Martina Scholger, Peter Stadler
Program: https://www.conftool.net/tei2016/index.php?page=browseSessions&form_session=22&presentations=show

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