IDE meets DiXiT – Spring School 2015 Advanced XML/TEI technologies for Digital Scholarly Editions
Call for Participation:
We are very pleased to announce the Spring School on Advanced XML/TEI technologies for Digital Scholarly Editions organized and endorsed by the Institute for Documentology and Digital Editing e.V. (IDE) and the Digital Scholarly Editions Initial Training Network (DiXiT). The spring school will be run and held at the at the Centre for Information Modelling – Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities at the University of Graz from 13th to 17th April 2015.
The spring school is directed to participants with previous experience in XML/TEI editing who would like to involve themselves more intensively with the creation of digital scholarly editions based on the international encoding standard XML TEI P5. Besides addressing specific issues and use cases of text encoding, the participants will be trained what to do with the data once the encoding is done and how to process it further until the publication on the WWW. To this end the teaching will strongly focus on XPath, XSLT, HTML and CSS as technologies for the web publication of digital scholarly editions.
Since the level of this spring school is advanced, previous knowledge of TEI practices is not only recommended but necessary for participation.
The lectures will be held by experts from the field of Digital Scholarly Editing, related to the DiXiT network or the IDE (James Cummings, Franz Fischer, Ulrike Henny, Torsten Schaßan, Martina Semlak, Magdalena Turska, Gunter Vasold, Georg Vogeler). Tara Andrews (Univ. of Bern) has agreed to give a keynote.
The School will cover the following areas:
- issues when working with XML TEI P5 (to be proposed by the participants)
- customization of the TEI schema
- creating web pages with HTML/CSS and JavaScript and JQuery
- transforming the TEI XML with XSLT/XPath
- publishing frameworks for digital scholarly editions
- use cases for research on and with digital scholarly editions
The IDE-meets-DiXiT Spring School on Advanced XML/TEI technologies for Digital Scholarly Editions is open to interested scholars anywhere in the world with previous experience in digital scholarly editing with the TEI. As the course will strongly focus on practical exercise, we can accept only applications which can bring own material for the exercises. All teaching will be in English.
The course offers 20 positions. Participants will be required to arrange their own accommodation and travel to Graz. The participation fee will be 100 EUR. A limited number of bursaries will be available for the participation fee, travel and accommodation in particular for participants from less developed countries and from Eastern Europe.
Application closes on 10st February 2015 and early registration is highly recommended.
For the application we need from you
- your name, address, e-mail, institutional affiliation (if applicable)
- a short description of your project
- this online questionnaire
If you want to be considered for the bursary please give indicate
- approximate amount for travel and accommodation expenses
- do you need a reduction on the participation fee?
- academic status (graduate student, PhD student, PostDoc, fully trained scholar, other)
Please send your application and any question you have to
We will publish further information on the school at
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