Neu im Dezember: „Defining Digital Humanities“ (Melissa Terras et al.)

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Darauf freuen wir uns: Als Buch (Hard- und Softcover), eBook und ePUB wird Anfang Dezember 2013 bei Ashgate der Sammelband Defining Digital Humanities – A Reader erscheinen. Herausgegeben von Melissa Terras, Julianne Nyhan und Edward Vanhoutte, versammelt der Band Beiträge von Willard McCarty, Matthew G. Kirschenbaum, Bethany Nowviskie, Geoffrey Rockwell, John Unsworth und vielen anderen Großen der Digital Humanities.

Aus dem Klappentext:

This reader brings together, for the first time, in one core volume the essential readings that have emerged in Digital Humanities. We provide a historical overview of how the term ‘Humanities Computing’ developed into the term ‘Digital Humanities’, and highlight core readings which explore the meaning, scope, and implementation of the field. To contextualize and frame each included reading, the editors and authors provide a commentary on the original piece. There is also an annotated bibliography of other material not included in the text to provide an essential list of reading in the discipline. This text will be required reading for scholars and students who want to discover the history of Digital Humanities through its core writings, and for those who wish to understand the many possibilities that exist when trying to define Digital Humanities.

Terras, Melissa et al., Defining Digital Humanities. Ashgate 2013, £25.00. ISBN: 978-1-4094-6963-6

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