DH-Videoclip Adventskalender 2015 – Tür 5
Zum Wochenende informiert Christine Borgman, Professorin für Informationswissenschaften an der University of California, Los Angeles über Scholarship in the Digital Age: Information, Infrastructure, and the Internet.
Todays research and scholarship is data- and information-intensive, distributed, interdisciplinary, and collaborative. However, the scholarly practices, products, and sources of data vary widely between disciplines. Some fields are more advantaged than others by the array of content now online and by the tools and services available to make use of that content. UCLA Professor of Information Studies Christine Borgman provides an overview of new developments in scholarly information infrastructure, including policy issues such as open access and intellectual property, and addresses the implications of e-science for cyberlearning. (Quelle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9CDYWw8qIc&feature=youtu.be)
Das Video „Scholarship in the Digital Age: Information, Infrastructure, and the Internet“, die Zusammenfassung eines Vortrags den Prof. Borgman 2009 an der Columbia University gehalten hat, gibt’s natürlich auch auf dem DHd-Kanal.
Den kompletten, knapp eineinhalbstündigen Vortrag findet man auf YouTube unter: https://youtu.be/VC0Q4aQOVlk
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