DH-Kolloquium an der BBAW, 2.11.2018: Elli Bleeker: „Addressing Ancient Promises: Text Modelling and Alexandria“

0 Veröffentlicht von Frederike Neuber am

Im Rahmen des DH-Kolloquiums an der BBAW möchten wir Sie herzlich zum nächsten Termin am Freitag, den 2. November 2018, 17 Uhr s.t. bis 19 Uhr (Konferenzraum 1), einladen:

Elli Bleeker (Research and Development – Humanities Cluster, Royal Dutch Academy of Arts and Sciences)
„Addressing Ancient Promises: Text Modelling and Alexandria“

The computer has come to play a transformative role in the ways we model, store, process and study text. Nevertheless, we cannot yet claim to have realised the promises of the digital medium: the organisation and dissemination of scholarly knowledge through the exchange, reuse and enrichment of data sets. Despite the acclaimed interdisciplinary nature of digital humanities, current digital research takes place in a closed environment and rarely surpasses the traditional boundaries of a field. Furthermore, it is worthwhile to continue questioning the models we use and whether they are actually suitable for our scholarly needs. There’s a risk that the affordances and limitations of a prevailing model may blind us to aspects it doesn’t support.

In her talk, Elli Bleeker discusses different technologies to model data with respect to their expressive power and their potential to address the needs of the scholarly community. Within this framework, she introduces a new data model for text, Text-As-Graph (TAG), and it’s reference implementation _Alexandria_, a text repository system. The TAG model allows researchers to store, query, and analyse text that is encoded from different perspectives. _Alexandria_ thus stimulates new ways of looking at textual objects, facilitates the exchange of information across disciplines, and secures textual knowledge for future endeavours. From a philosophical perspective, the TAG model and the workflow of _Alexandria_ raise compelling questions about our notions of textuality, and prompt us to reconsider how we can best model the variety of textual dimensions.


Im DH-Kolloquium an der BBAW werden aktuelle Themen der Digital Humanities praxisnah und anwendungsorientiert zur Diskussion gebracht, um Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler beim Einsatz digitaler Methoden in der geisteswissenschaftlichen Forschung zu unterstützen. Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf der Website der BBAW oder des if|DH|Berlin.

Die Veranstaltung findet im Konferenzraum 1 (1. Stock) der Berlin Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Jägerstr. 22/23, 10117 Berlin statt.

Da die Teilnehmerzahl begrenzt ist, möchten wir Sie um Anmeldung per E-Mail unter DH-Kolloquium@bbaw.de bitten.



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